The Crow Island Yearbook is a beloved program for both parents and students. The yearbook features photos from across the school year as well as class pages with students’ professional photos (taken in the early Fall) as well as two pages of each class’s candid student photos. It’s a fun remembrance of highlights throughout the year. For those who choose to order a yearbook, students will receive their copy in class during the final week of school.
If you have multiple students at Crow Island, you may wish to order a separate yearbook for each student. The yearbook includes autograph pages for those students who choose to capture signatures and notes from their classmates and teachers.
Click here to order (log in or create a TreeRing account if necessary). Order your child(ren)’s yearbook(s) by September 30th to receive a 10%. Yearbooks must be ordered before April 26th. Students who purchase a yearbook will receive their copy in class in the final days of school before summer break. Contact if you need to confirm a purchase.
Classroom Photographer Role
The Classroom Photographer role (1 per classroom) is a great way to get involved and get to know your child’s classroom, classmates and teacher. Classroom Photographers are responsible for 1) taking/collecting and organizing photos of your class’s students, and 2) uploading/arranging the best of those photos (25-30) to create 2 yearbook pages.
This role’s timeline spans across the school year but doesn’t carry a major time commitment. Throughout the year we ask that you take or collect photos from all major school/class/grade level events as well as capture some candid photos in class and on the playground. In March/April you will arrange those photos into an online yearbook-creation website, for which your Yearbook Chairs will provide the training and ongoing guidance. We’ll just ask that you ensure each student is equally represented and lots of fun school year memories are captured on your classroom’s pages.
Please note: The role is slightly more involved for our 4th grade class photographers who will be asked to take extra photos and videos for that grade level’s end-of-year celebrations and video. No need to use a fancy camera or have a background in photography—iPhone photos are perfect.
2024/2025 Co-Chairs: Andrea Smith & Jessica Figueroa
For any questions, please contact